First of all i dont think the political parties wud take wayanad lightly.I know there maybe only 3 seats from wayanad to the LA but the hole issue there sure do affect the overall opinion abt a government.And we saw how the left used it well.And now its there turn to answer.Probably people are findin it out now that how idealistic leaders can be before an election takes place.But then as u said,while lookin after their respective areas the MLAs and other leaders of local areas(wayanad in this case) wudnt actually work well for their progress.Its as if they get into some kinda sleep after their victory.

We maybe able to help individuals…like u might be able to help this single farmer but an overall development wud be possible only if these grass root level politicians begin working.Well,now that being idealistic again, i wud say some kinda extra effort shud be taken by the top level leftist leaders or ministers(i hope there are some good men left there).Well atleast they shud be happy abt the fact during the period 1996-2001 wayanad and other agricultural area brought in a lot foreign money!Lets hope a revival takes place soon!

But something else contradicts.Wayanad is not the only place affected.There are other industrial areas affected.Even worse.Like idukki,palghat,kuttanad etc.And then the statistics are rolled down and more deeply hurting facts peep out!As u said this may not be the most colourful or even violent news for the media to talk a lot about.But when we think about a solution in our mind nothing else but the troubles of these helpless farmers create more violence than anything.