( Monsoon @ Mananchira square, Calicut/Kerala. )
( Monsoon & Football fever. SM Street, Calicut/Kerala. )
near my home ..
finally I got a chance to go home, drench in the rain and take some snaps.
ok, the usual crap.
Blue Sky, Spotless, Clouds, Pollution, Environment day which happen to be on a day before Google launched Google Spreadsheets aka devil’s day for Microsoft ?
really ?
(.. view from a hospital room in Blr ..)
ok, 12x optical zoom & 36x Digital zoom is not that Big. Sigh
(the eagle was sitting on top of the exhaust pipes shown above)
[[ List of Google services ]]
This just a message to the world saying that I am still alive and a bit busy ! Sigh ….
The photos are from our trip to Athirapally Falls
(@ Mahabalipuram / Mamalapuram ) : Hands of a ‘To be’ Minister
I am i posting this photo because as per the chiromancer the owner of the prestigious hands being read is becoming minister in 2 years, and by means of this I am making a deposit in his favour bank.
(@ Satsang, the french restaurant, Pondichery, India )
TiddlyWiki ! Few days back a friend told me about this blog like, java script wiki thingie & I started using it for saving notes. If you havent heared about it, give it a try.